Giggling Grizzly



What makes the grizzly giggle?

Beer, guacamole and the looks I get wearing a bike helmet in Amsterdam!


Yes, all of the above but more importantly:

Producing and delivering great content


Are you looking for an executive producer for your production?

No problem


You want to raise your brand awareness with creative clips?

Consider it done


Your platform needs some engaging entertainment formats?

I am your man...

or grizzly


Drop me a message, let's have a chat.





The Start

After wrapping up university and spending 4 years in what we used to call “Paderboring”, really it wasn’t exciting at all, I was more than ready to move to Berlin. Working for MTV, I produced shows such as: Viva Featuring, TRL, MTV Home, several link and clip shows plus live music festivals. 

Being immersed within the pop culture scene, my daily routine was pretty much shifted to night hours. As much fun as it was, I wanted to expand my skills, broaden my knowledge and eventually see the sun again.


The Development

It was time for some fresh mountain air. At the beginning of 2010 I joined Red Bull Media House HQ in the quaint town of Salzburg.

My job took me across the globe, working on over 60 productions that spread from culture to sports, spring to winter, live and non-live. The best thing was: I got to meet, work and build strong friendships with passionate, visionary and skilled people, leaving me with a world-wide network of trusted production partners.

Between all the traveling, snowboarding, cycling and mastering my guacamole skills, there was only so much Salzburg “city” had to offer.

Over 8 years passed in no time and I felt the need for a change. The goal: finding a place that combines the cosmopolitan culture and vibrancy of Berlin with the serenity of Salzburg.


The Future

The search didn't last very long. April 2018, we packed up and drove to Amsterdam. Besides the missing mountains it’s perfect! I took the opportunity to start Giggling Grizzly and be my own boss.

So, what's next? A lot of directing, producing, editorial consulting, project managing and trouble-shooting for the next 60-odd productions, including yours!

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Do you want to know more? Just get in touch! 

